ERC721 NFT Tokens

Mint a new ERC721 NFT Token


This endpoint mints a new NFT from the given hosted ERC721 Collection to a destination wallet address. The address can be an NFT Wallet that you created using the APIs or any external address/wallet that supports ERC721 NFTs. NFTYverse will handle uploading and hosting all the metadata and optionally the images and media as well. This API should only be used on hosted ERC721 Collections. If you prefer to host the metadata yourself, you can create a "Self-Hosted" ERC721 Collection and use the "Self-Hosted" version of the API below.


Request Body


Example Request:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer c4Vftx4kGiFYqpjM/3p4o5pgkmuthLWUNpXNlrig8EjlnSTeVgde4kEBdI1Uc1RFqWJBBRxkOmZ/QcHQXdQNjQ==' \
     --data '{
  	   "collection_address": "0x90de09166cd8ae30dc2bfe25be0f5bd486851cd7",
  	   "to_address": "0x6d5f584f957858be82562a3b8b7b6268c4055f15",
       "name": "My NFT",
       "image": "",
       "description": "A collectible NFT.",
       "attributes": [
        "trait_type": "Eyes", 
        "value": "Big"
        "trait_type": "Level", 
        "value": 5
        "display_type": "number", 
        "trait_type": "Generation", 
        "value": 2
       "copy_media": true  

Example Response:


Mint a new ERC721 NFT Token (Self-Hosted)


This endpoint mints a new NFT from the given "Self-Hosted" ERC721 Collection to a destination wallet address. The address can be an NFT Wallet that you created using the APIs or any external address/wallet that supports ERC721 NFTs. "Self-Hosted" means that you will be hosting the metadata and optionally the media yourself. This API should only be used on "Self-Hosted" ERC721 Collections. If you prefer to have NFTYverse handle and host the metadata, please create a hosted ERC721 Collection and check out the regular hosted API above.


Request Body


Example Request:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer c4Vftx4kGiFYqpjM/3p4o5pgkmuthLWUNpXNlrig8EjlnSTeVgde4kEBdI1Uc1RFqWJBBRxkOmZ/QcHQXdQNjQ==' \
     --data '{
  	   "collection_address": "0x90de09166cd8ae30dc2bfe25be0f5bd486851cd7",
  	   "to_address": "0x6d5f584f957858be82562a3b8b7b6268c4055f15"

Example Response:


Last updated